Huck-Fin Environmental Education


Huck-Fin Environmental Education is a nonprofit corporation (501c3, #33-0479034) whose mission is to create opportunities for teaching environmental responsibility and literacy in creative, fun, and healthy ways by using fishing, science, art, and literature.  Huck-Fin has two major components: Teaching Kids to Fish, and Teaching Nelson Telson, a curriculum development project based on the middle grade novel, Nelson Telson - The Story of a True Blue Blood. Fishing gives kids hands-on experience in the real world, enjoyment of nature, and direct understanding of their responsibilities as citizens of Earth. Teaching Nelson Telson is a spiral curriculum that uses the book as a springboard to introduce many topics that promote lifelong inner growth of children.


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The Huck-Fin Fishing Program focuses on inner city, disadvantaged and military children, providing life-long outdoor skills and knowledge towards success in life during and after school. For 30 years Huck-Fin has taught the science behind fishing and environmental awareness, while promoting a sense of personal and social responsibility among students.



Nelson Telson - The Story of a True Blue Blood brings the world of threatened animal species to children in such a way that history, science, emotional growth, and global environmental responsibility become dynamic forces in their lives.
Nelson Telson, the ancient horseshoe crab, impacts every life on the planet, especially humans! Published in 2014, this award-winning book has been tested in public and private schools and
the lessons are now ready for a wider audience.



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